LEGO Star Wars II Glitches - Bobby II

Page last edited 4,513 days ago
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This is a sub-glitch of Ledge Leap.

Compatible Versions
? Windows Mac OS X Xbox Xbox 360 PS2 PSP GBA NDS Mobile
Question.png Question.png Question.png Question.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png
Discovered: Unknown
Verified: No


Requirements[edit | edit source]

  • Access to the level 'Rescue the Princess' on Free Play
  • Yoda (Use Old Save)

Instructions[edit | edit source]

  1. Perform Ledge Leap.
  2. Go all the way to the right and fall off.
  3. While falling, go back under the level.

Result[edit | edit source]

This should activate a Bobby-style situation.